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The Nez Perce Tribe has an annual budget of approximately $80 million, with $50 million is grant funding. Only a portion of the budget is completely discretionary including gaming, fuel and tobacco taxes, and other miscellaneous income, which accounts for around 18 percent of the total budget. These funds provide much of the resources for critical services, including general council and executive government operations and enrollment services, police patrol, community buildings, elder and veteran services, youth programming, economic development, law and justice services, conservation enforcement, and direct financial assistance programs.
Public input is an important and valued part of the budget preparation process. This survey has been developed to help us understand your priorities.

Please submit completed assessments no later than Friday, August 23rd: to Ashton Picard, Budget & Finance Subcommittee, Nez Perce Tribe, P.O. Box 365, Lapwai, ID 83540. Fax: (208) 843-7354.

Question Title

* 1. Full Name

Question Title

* 2. Enrollment number

Question Title

* 3. Please prioritize the following list. Priority is indicated using a 1, 2, 3 numbering system, with the number 1 indicating your first priority and so on and so forth.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Public Safety (public education, law and justice services, courts, community patrols)
Economic & Community Development (removing barriers to employment, supporting small businesses, development of current/new businesses, grants and loans, AmeriCorp)
Education & Job Training (trade schools, on the job training, scholarships)
Recreational & Social Opportunities (community centers, boys and girls club)
Social Services & Financial Assistance (youth and elder protection programming, veterans services, financial assistance programs, child protection services, school clothing)
Natural Resources & Fisheries Protection (conservation and protection of natural and cultural resources, language, horse program)
Infrastructure (public transportation, road maintenance, utilities, solid waste services, technology)
Governmental Services (enrollment, government, human resources, legal counsel, finance, communications, general council)
Land (land purchases, land planning, agriculture, land leases, probate purchases)
0 of 3 answered