
Welcome! The Water Research Foundation (WRF) Project 5087 titled Implementation of Innovative Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Processes through Improvement of Control Systems and Online Analytical Measurement Reliability and Accuracy is underway, and we invite you to take part in this utility survey. Feedback about your experiences with BNR control systems and online sensors is critical. Your responses will be compiled with those from other WRRFs and will be used to synthesize the current state of the art and develop a framework for the practical and cost-effective implementation of BNR control systems with sensor technologies.

This survey is administered through Survey Monkey, and responses will be shared directly with the WRF project team. If you have multiple WRRFs in your system, please submit a separate completed survey for each applicable WRRF. Please don’t forget to hit “Submit” at the end of the survey once you are finished. Once you hit “Submit,” the survey will be closed, and if you have any information that you’d like to change, please contact us at

Don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the Co-PIs on the project with questions. Please refer to the introductory email for additional guidance and contact information.

Thank you!
14% of survey complete.