Help us prepare!

The tools and resources we share with you are based on your input regarding what is most helpful to you.

We read all of your feedback. It helps us to create useful and timely information that you can use to Be Ready.

Answer these few questions and click submit, and you will will be entered into a random drawing to win 1 of 20 Preparedness Starter Kits that include a wind-up/solar radio and phone charger.

Question Title

* 1. Your email (to notify you if you won a Preparedness Starter Kit)

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* 2. Before the 30 Days/30 Ways to Protect the Ones You Love campaign, how prepared  were you and your household to protect yourself, your home and your belongings from a natural disaster in your area?

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* 3. After the 30 Days/30 Ways to Protect the Ones You Love campaign, how prepared were you and your household to protect yourself, your home and your belongings from a natural disaster in your area?

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* 4. Which of the tips did you or are you likely to try?

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* 5. Which of the tips are you least likely to try?

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* 6. Would you consider participating in 30 Days/30 Ways again next year?

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* 7. Have you taken any of the following steps to protect yourself, your home and your belongings from a natural disaster in your area?

  Yes No
Put money aside in a special bank account to prepare for emergencies.

Signed up to receive emergency and weather-related alerts.

Developed a specific evacuation or Family Emergency Plan that designates the steps family members should take in the event you have to evacuate your home or cannot get back to your home during a natural disaster.

Put together an in-home, survival kit or “grab and go” kit for your vehicle that includes emergency medical supplies, batteries and radios, nonperishable food goods, bottled water and other items.

Set your mobile or smart phone to receive local or national weather alerts for tornadoes, severe thunderstorms or flash flood warnings.

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* 8. Do you currently have flood insurance and/or hazard insurance, which are available to everyone regardless of whether you live in a designated flood plain and in addition to covering damage from flooding, also covers damages from dangerous weather events like tornadoes or hurricanes?

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* 9. Would you be more likely to strongly consider purchasing hazard or flood insurance if you knew that although a single inch of water on the first floor of a home can cause up to $25,000 in damage, the average FEMA payout to individuals to cover damages during Tropical Storm Lee was only $4,300?