RCEMLearning New Guideline Section

1.How often do you think you would use the new "Guidelines" section on RCEMLearning?
2.How would you rate your overall experience with the "Guidelines" section?
3.How useful do you find the summaries and synopses of the guidelines?
4.How clear and concise are the summaries provided?
5.How helpful are the links to the full guidelines on the RCEM.ac.uk website?
6.How useful are the additional resources (podcasts, learning sessions, SBAs, blogs, clinical cases) in supporting your learning?
7.What do you like most about the "Guidelines" section?
8.What do you like least about the "Guidelines" section?
9.Do you have any suggestions for improving the "Guidelines" section or additional resources you would like to see included?
10.Any other comments or feedback you would like to provide?