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Community Feedback

We seek your feedback on how best to improve the Northbridge commercial area from the Plaza car park to the eastern shopping strip.

You can help by answering this short survey which will take 8-10mins - your valuable input will help to gain a true reflection of what our community sees as the best planning opportunities for the future of this unique peninsular suburb.

As a community we have a unique opportunity to realise aspirations for the valuable space of the council carpark at the rear of the Plaza and, by extension, the entire commercial area of Northbridge into the future. 
There is a legal covenant on the carpark that holds it in trust for the community. The covenant requires that the community must approve any change of use of the land from a car park.  The Northbridge Local Centre Strategy recently approved by Willoughby Council which allows for some exciting concepts for change within the Northbridge commercial area. This presents us as a community, with a wonderful opportunity to plan for a much-improved area around the Plaza centre. 

Survey responses will provide direction for Council and the NPA on the aspirations of residents and the broader community users to help shape the future development of the Northbridge commercial area.
Please note: you can add additional comments on questions that have a speech bubble symbol next to them. 

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Thinking about the potential for the existing carpark area to become a vibrant hub for the community:

How important to you is it to create new space at ground level by taking the car park underground and, in the process improving the carpark in terms of capacity, safety and convenience?

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* 2. How important is it to you is to create the opportunity for new community and other facilities and public open space at ground level in the area of the current carpark?

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* 3. Thinking about what types of facilities you would like to see in the area select from the below list, as many options as you wish, in order of priority (one being top priority).

Refer to pictures on Northbridge Progress Association website. 

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* 4. Thinking about Public Open Space in the carpark area, how important are the following types of uses to you?  Select from the below list, as many options as you wish, in order of priority (one being top priority).

Refer to pictures on Northbridge Progress Association website.

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Thinking about some exciting concepts designed to improve Northbridge as detailed on our webpage Northbridge Local Centre Strategy, select from the below list, as many options as you wish.

  Extremely important Medium importance Low importance Not important  No response
‘Green’ presentation to both sides of Sailors Bay Rd in commercial precinct
A variety of public spaces with a clear hierarchy and linking lanes all activated
A safe gathering space for parents with younger children
A truly mixed-use live/work/play that reflects current trends
Mixture of residential to cater for young and old in our community and key workers
Pedestrian/parking connections between the eastern side of Sailors Bay Road and the Plaza
De-emphasise the onerous traffic flow through Northbridge for pedestrians/cyclists and mobility scooter users by creating rear laneway accessibility
Young children play environment - similar to Ernest Place Crows Nest fountain with embedded educational features
Quality evening lighting throughout public spaces reflecting night time activity
Quality clear signage throughout including way finding and retailer/commercial signage
Focus on environmentally sustainable initiatives and greening neighbourhood approach
Establish a Town Centre along Sailors Bay Rd (e.g. at the junction with Harden Ave) in order to link the commercial eastern end and Plaza
External seating at a range of cafes
Reinforce historical context of Northbridge within public spaces
Clear and identifiable service access points reducing conflict with pedestrians and private vehicles
Scope for different forms of transport and mobility e.g. Electric charging stations, light rail and demand responsive transport
Consider better locating current childcare on Sailors Bay Road

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* 6. What trade-offs would you be prepared to accept in order to maximise the community benefits? 

  Yes No Maybe
Better integration with the current shopping centre and the potential sale of the car park to the owners of Northbridge Plaza, on the basis they provide the community benefits & improved car park
Mixed-use proposal that may include residential and other uses
More car parking subject to traffic assessment
Generally speaking. I would be prepared to accept some trade offs. 

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* 7. A few more thoughts about Northbridge Plaza - how important are:

  Extremely important Medium importance Low importance Not important  No response
Quality safe car park with easy access and convenient to shops + must be level
Reduce impact of vehicles along Harden Ave accessing Plaza car park, particularly from Sailors Bay Road
Large format Supermarket with associated quality retailers

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* 8. Please feel free to comment on any of the items raised in this survey or list any further thoughts that you would like to share about how you would like the Northbridge commercial area to look, and to be used for the next 50 years.  

In your comments you may wish to consider one of the priorities from the Northbridge Local Centre Strategy.

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* 9. What is your number one preferred communication channel for information on changes to Northbridge?

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* 10. Currently every household in Northbridge is issued a quarterly printed edition of The 202.  Would you prefer an electronic version?

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* 11. How many people in your household:

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* 12. What is your postcode?

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* 13. Are you or have you been a member of the NPA in the past?

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* 14. Would you like to receive updates from Northbridge Progress Association?

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* 16. Are you?

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* 17. What best describes your household?

0 of 17 answered