Exit Strive Living Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey 1. Survey Question Title * Please place a checkmark (√) in the box beside the program(s) you are rating with this survey. Adult Group Home Living/Specialized Resource Adult family care home/ home sharing Hybrid Supported Home Share Children and Youth Foster Care Children and Youth Respite and 1-1 community support services Children and Youth Residential Resources/Group Home Freedom/Liberty Assisted Living Footprints Unlimited Day Program Pinetree Day Program Community Leisure Program (CLP) New Westminster Headway Centre Strive Centre Vancouver Adult Supported Independent Living (1-1 services) Powell River Strive Centre Other (please specify) Question Title * Please indicate what region the program is located in. Lower Mainland Fraser Valley Sunshine Coast Powell River Okanagan Question Title * 1. What is your relationship to Strive Living Society? Family member/ Representative/ Legal Guardian/Friend Funder Facilitator/ Analyst/ Social Worker/ Resource Worker/ Case Manager Professional support (consultant, occupational therapist, behavioural therapist, psychologist, etc.) Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Do you feel the communication between the program and yourself is: Adequate Not Enough Too Much Question Title * What can we do to improve communication with you? Question Title * 3. Do you feel the staff are approachable and professional? All the time Most of the time Some of the time Not at all Comment: Question Title * 4. Do you feel that services provided by this program have led to positive changes for individuals served? All the time Most of the time Some of the time Not at all Please explain, Question Title * 5. What aspects of the program do you like? Question Title * 6. What aspects of the program do you think needs improvement? Question Title * 7. What changes would you like to see in the program? Question Title * Do you believe that Strive's Mission Statement is reflective of our services?To partner with individuals of diverse abilities to lead healthy, fulfilling lives by providing a foundation of support. Yes Somewhat No Other (please specify) Question Title * Would you recommend this program to others? Yes No Question Title * 8. Overall, I would rate my satisfaction with the quality of the Program as? excellent above average average below average poor Question Title * 9. Please provide additional comments below. Done