
The Nez Perce Education Department is seeking tribal community input on a proposed "1855A5 Project" (Nez Perce Treaty of 1855, Article 5). The scope of this project is intended to guide our department's next 10-year Strategic Plan.

The initial community presentation on the concept will be made at General Council in September 2024.

Please complete some survey questions to provide input. One must be a minimum of 12 years old to participate. Nez Perce community includes enrolled tribal members, descendants, tribal employees, or others who are closely connected to the Tribe.

The final draft of the 1855A5 project will be made available for additional community input at a future date before being presented to NPTEC for approval.

We want to acknowledge the initial input and guidance on the draft 1855A5 project from Cultural Resources, Education Directors, STEP program staff, and tribal Executive Directors.

To watch in introductory video, use this link:

If you have any questions, please contact Joyce McFarland, Education Manager, at 208-621-4610 or Qe' ci yew' yew'

Question Title

* 1. Optional- Please provide your name and email if you want to be sent updates on the project. The survey report will not include names or personal contact information.

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* 2. Please provide information on your affiliation with the Nez Perce Tribe. Check all that apply.

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* 3. Where do you live?

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* 4. What is your age group? Must be a minimum of 12 years old to complete survey.

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* 5. Have you previously read the Nez Perce Treaty of 1855?

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* 6. Have you previously read the Nez Perce Treaty of 1863?

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* 7. Have you previously been asked for input on how a tribal department may align its work with the Nez Perce Treaty of 1855?

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* 8. Have you read the Revised Constitution and Bylaws of the Nez Perce Tribe?

Original: approved by the Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs April 2, 1948, and ratified by the Nez Perce Tribe in general assembly April 30, 1948

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* 9. Do you have suggestions on how we may verify if the U.S. met its treaty responsibility in Article V of the Treaty of 1855 within one year after the ratification (1860)?

The Treaty of 1855, Article V, says:
The United States further agree to establish, at suitable points within said reservation, within one year after the ratification hereof...

The Treaty was ratified in 1859. "Within one year" means by 1860.

Question Title

* 10. Do you have knowledge if the following Article V treaty right was met?

Two schools, erecting the necessary buildings, keeping the same in repair, and providing them with furniture, books, and stationery, one of which shall be an agricultural and industrial school, to be located at « 11 » the agency, and to be free to the children of said tribe, and to employ one superintendent of teaching and two teachers.

Reminder: The Treaty was ratified in 1859. "Within one year" means by 1860.

Question Title

* 11. Do you have knowledge if the following Article V treaty right was met?

To build two blacksmith's shops, to one of which shall be attached a tin shop, and to the other a gunsmith's shop; One carpenter's shop, one wagon and ploughmaker's shop, and to keep the same in repair, and furnished with the necessary tools.

Reminder: The Treaty was ratified in 1859. "Within one year" means by 1860.

Question Title

* 12. Do you have knowledge if the following Article V treaty right was met?

To employ one superintendent of farming and two farmers, two blacksmiths, one tinner, one gunsmith, one carpenter, one waggon and ploughmaker, for the instruction of the Indians in trades, and to assist them in the same.

Reminder: The Treaty was ratified in 1859. "Within one year" means by 1860.

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* 13. Do you have knowledge if the following Article V treaty right was met?

To erect one saw mill and one flouting mill, keeping the same in repair, and furnished with the necessary tools and fixtures, and to employ two millers.

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* 14. Do you have knowledge if the following Article V treaty right was met?

To erect a hospital, keeping the same in repair, and provided with the necessary medicines and furniture, and to employ a physician; and to erect, keep in repair, and provide with the necessary furniture the buildings required for the accommodation of the said employes. The said buildings and establishments to be maintained and kept in repair as aforesaid, and the employes to be kept in service for the period of twenty years.

Reminder: The Treaty was ratified in 1859. "Within one year" means by 1860.

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* 15. Do you have knowledge if the following Article V treaty right was met?

And in view of the fact that the head chief of the tribe is expected, and will be called upon, to perform many services of a public character, occupying much of his time, the United States further agree to pay to the Nez Perce tribe five hundred dollars per year for the term of twenty years, after the ratification hereof, as a salary for such person as the tribe may select to be its head chief. To build for him, at a suitable point on the reservation, a comfortable house, and properly furnish the same, and to plough and fence for his use ten acres of land. The said salary to be paid to, and the said house to be occupied by, such head chief so long as he may be elected to that position by his tribe, and no longer.

Reminder: The Treaty was ratified in 1859. "Within one year" means by 1860.

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* 16. Do you have knowledge if the following Article V treaty right was met?

And all the expenditures and expenses contemplated in this fifth article of this treaty shall be defrayed by the United States, and shall not be deducted from the annuities agreed to be paid to said tribe, nor shall the cost of transporting the goods for the annuity payments be a charge upon the annuities, but shall be defrayed by the United States.

Reminder: The Treaty was ratified in 1859. "Within one year" means by 1860.

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33% of survey complete.