Rules & Requirements

Thank you for making a nomination! The deadline to submit a nomination is 11:59pm ET on March 15, 2024.
Want to preview the nomination requirements, questions, and evaluation criteria? Download a PDF here.

If you have any questions about completing and submitting this form, please contact Hannah Wilkerson at

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* 1. The person completing this form is not the nominee. We do not allow self-nomination for this award.

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* 2. The person completing this form is not related to or the guardian of the nominee.

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* 3. The nominee is between the ages of 10 and 21 (inclusive).

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* 4. The person completing this form (nominator) acknowledges that the judges will not perform additional research on the nominee. It is the nominator's responsibility to provide a thorough and compelling nomination.

If selected, Nominees are expected to attend CEHN’s Child Health Advocate Awards Reception, held in Washington, DC in October 2024, to accept the award. CEHN covers the cost of travel and lodging for the winner and one parent/guardian.