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Dear Valued NOSH Patient;

Re:  Your Experience with Wilson Memorial General Hospital site

Our records show that you recently visited our emergency department.  Because you had a recent visit to our emergency department, we are asking for your help.

The survey is part of an ongoing national effort to understand how patients view their hospital experience.  These results will help patients make important choices about their hospital care, and will help our hospital measure and improve the care we provide.

We hope that you will take the time to complete the survey.  Your participation is greatly appreciated.  After you have completed the survey, please return it in the pre-paid envelope.

Your participation is voluntary and completely anonymous, and will not affect your health benefits.  Your responses will be included with other responses received and will be used by the hospital for quality improvement.

Thank you for helping us to improve the health care for our patients. 

Question Title


Question Title

* 1. Please identify from which NOSH site you accessed emergency services

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