About the Workshop

The 2024 Colorado NORC Calorimetry Workshop will review the technical aspects of indirect calorimetry. There will be sessions on metabolic carts, room calorimetry, and animal calorimetry systems.
Topics will include a review and comparison of different gas analyzers, derivation and application of equations for measuring energy expenditure and substrate oxidation, approaches to validation and calibration, design consideration for room calorimeters, and an overview of signal processing approaches.
The workshop is open to all – we welcome students, trainees, and experienced investigators. Registration is free and includes a continental breakfast for both days as well as a lunch and reception on the 15th.
Please contact olivia.schmidt@cuasnchutz.edu / 518-593-0806 for any registration questions. Flyer and draft agenda on our website here.

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* 1. This workshop is In-Person only. If you are unable to attend in person but would like to receive a recording of the event, please select the box below and complete the registration form.

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* 2. Contact Information

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* 3. Please select your registration category (more than one may be selected):

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* 4. Are you a member of the Colorado NORC?

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* 5. What is your main interest in attending this workshop? (select all that apply)

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* 6. Do you plan to attend the reception on 7/15? Alcohol will be served.

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* 7. How did you hear about this workshop?