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* 1. My program serves children ages:

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* 3. We currently enroll children on state subsidy (Working Connections):

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* 4. We would consider taking or increasing the number of children enrolled in my program who use Working Conections subsidies if there was/were:

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* 5. What is your level of concern about the new teacher/administrator education requirements that will need to be competed in five years?

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* 6. What concerns you the most about the new teacher/admin requirements?

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* 7. What is your level of concern about the new licensing rules that go into effect June 2019?

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* 8. What is the current education level of your Early Learning Program Director?

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* 9. In what zip code is your program located?

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* 10. What causes you the most stress about all of the changes within what was Department of Early Learning and is now the Department of Children, Youth and Families?