2016 Vawdon Cup Survey

Thank you for taking the time to provide the New South Wales Touch Football with valuable feedback on their events.

This mechanism will greatly assist our organisation in providing a better product for you in the future.

If you have any questions on this process or would like to provide greater feedback please contact NSWTA Sport Manager Daniel Rushworth directly daniel.rushworth@nswtouch.com.au or (02) 9558 9333.

Question Title

* 1. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 2. What age bracket best describes you?

Question Title

* 3. What was your involvement in the 2016 Vawdon Cup?

Question Title

* 4. What Division were you most associated with at the event?

Question Title

* 5. Were you aware that the NSWTA had an inclusion league in 2016?

Question Title

* 6. What feedback could you offer on the Inclusion League?

Question Title

* 7. The final shot is used to decide drawn games at the end of regulation during the round game fixtures. Would you?

Question Title

* 8. What club were you a part of in attending in the 2016 Vawdon Cup?

Question Title

* 9. How many Vawdon Cups have you participated in previous to this year?

Question Title

* 10. Based on this years event would you participate in the 2017 Vawdon Cup?

Question Title

* 11. When trying to source information about the Vawdon Cup, which best describes your method?

Question Title

* 12. Did you find the pre-event communication between NSWTA and yourself beneficial given that you received individual emails highlighting any happenings at the event?

Question Title

* 13. How often a week does your team train for the Vawdon Cup?

Question Title

* 14. What best describes your team's reason for participation in the Vawdon Cup?

Question Title

* 15. What best describes your own reason to participate in the Vawdon Cup?

Question Title

* 16. What/How would you rate each of the following Venues?

  Very Poor Poor Satisfactory Good Very Good Did not play at this venue
Foxglove Oval Hornsby 
Velodrome Waterworth Park
Jones Park Westmead 
Kayess Park Campbelltown 
Nolan Reserve Manly 
Kingsway Playing Fields Penrith
Tempe Reserve
UNSW (David Phillips)
Chifley Reserve
Doyle Ground Parramatta

Question Title

* 17. How would you rate the following experiences at this event?

  Very Poor Poor Satisfactory Good Very Good
Referee Standard
Food & Drink Vendors
Spectator Areas
Toilet Facilities
Interaction with NSWTA
Overall Event Experience

Question Title

* 18. When sourcing information at the event (at the fields), which best describes your method?

  Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly All The Time
Public Announcements
NSW Touch Football Website
NSW Touch Football Staff/Volunteers
NSW Touch Football Facebook Page
NSW Touch App
NSW Touch Football Twitter Account

Question Title

* 19. When would you prefer the Grand Final to be held?

Question Title

* 20. Do you like the current format of the presentations immediately after the Grand Finals?

Question Title

* 21. How can NSW Touch improve the Presentation Ceremony?

Question Title

* 22. Which of the following venues do you prefer to see the event played at?

  1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice 5th Choice 6th Choice 7th Choice 8th Choice Did not play at this venue
Foxglove Oval Hornsby 
Velodrome Waterworth Park
Jones Park Westmead 
Kayess Park Campbelltown 
Nolan Reserve Manly 
Kingsway Playing Fields Penrith
Tempe Reserve
UNSW (David Phillips)
Chifley Reserve
Doyle Ground Parramatta
Other Venue

Question Title

* 23. How important is it for you to play at the same venue as other teams from your affiliate?

Question Title

* 24. Which format do you prefer the Vawdon Cup to be played in?

  1st Preference 2nd Preference 3rd Preference
Friday Nights Only
Sundays Only (Double Headers)
Current (Fridays & 2 Sundays)

Question Title

* 25. The NSWTA Clubhouse at Tempe is for the members of the organisation, what would entice you to utilise this more during the Vawdon Cup?

Question Title

* 26. What changes would you make to improve this tournament for your experience at the event?

Question Title

* 27. Did you watch any games?

Question Title

* 28. Referee numbers officiating weekly in 2016 was a major issue and concern which dramatically impacted the event. It also impacted individual performance which flowed onto game performance, not through the fault of referees as they were often refereeing three (3) games consecutively each night, but due to the affiliates not meeting base referee criteria.

This will result in major changes occurring to the requirements around referees to be nominated by affiliate's in 2017 and will have significant impact on affiliate's ability to enter teams.
If a player, coach or affiliate official please complete this section;

Are you aware if your affiliate met their base referee requirement?

Question Title

* 29. Are all referees representing your affiliate regularly refereeing at your affiliate?

Question Title

* 30. Does your affiliate undertake regular referee development at your park competition?

Question Title

* 31. Does your affiliate pay referees from other affiliates to represent your club during Vawdon Cup?

Question Title

* 32. Does your affiliate pay referees from your affiliate to referee during Vawdon Cup?

Question Title

* 33. Are you aware if your affiliate met their base referee requirement?

Question Title

* 34. Do you regularly referee at the affiliate that you are representing at Vawdon Cup?

Question Title

* 35. Does your affiliate undertake regular referee development at your park competition?

Question Title

* 36. Does your affiliate pay referees from other affiliates to represent your club during Vawdon Cup?

Question Title

* 37. Does your affiliate pay you to referee during Vawdon Cup?