In accordance with the by-laws of the Northern New England Clinical Oncology Society, the NNECOS Nominations Task Force hereby issues a call for a nominations for members of the Board of Directors. (Read the job description).

To nominate (or self-nominate) a candidate for the NNECOS Board of Directors, please use the form below by 11:00pm, August 29, 2024.

For a complete list of the current board of directors, visit:

Question Title

* 1. Name of nominee:

Question Title

* 2. Nominee's email address (if known):

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* 3. Nominee's telephone # (if known):

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* 4. Name of nominator:

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* 5. Nominator's email address:

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* 6. Nominator's telephone #:

Question Title

* 7. Reason why you are nominating this person / why you believe they would make a good board member: