Responsible Business Survey

Giving Back

We are looking to build a clearer picture of how London Bridge businesses are driving their social impact work and ways in which they are giving back. The findings will help us as Team London Bridge to better plan our work that enhances and supports businesses in achieving those aims.
1.When it comes to making a positive impact locally, what does 'local' mean to you:(Required.)
2.Do you offer employer supported volunteering days?(Required.)
3.If yes, how many days per year does each employee receive?(Required.)
4.If yes, how does this tend to be implemented, tick all that apply:(Required.)
5.Do you have a budget in place to help facilitate one-off team volunteering days (such as gardening, painting, etc)?(Required.)
6.Do you offer skills-based support as part of your giving or volunteering:(Required.)
7.Do you offer match funding for campaigns or fundraising challenges that your employees are taking part in?(Required.)
8.Do you currently support charities with grants or informal financial contributions:(Required.)
9.Would you offer any of your office space to a charity:(Required.)
10.Do you donate items to charities:(Required.)
11.Do you or colleagues tend to feel more generous at Christmas time or other key moments in the year, and look for opportunities to give back?(Required.)
12.Have we missed anything? Are you giving back in a different way than the above, please list it here so we can inspire other businesses too!(Required.)
13.That's it! To help us get a sense of different sectors and business sizes, please leave your business name here:(Required.)
14.And if you wish to be kept in the loop with this survey's findings, leave your contact details too (name and email address):