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Thank you for your interest in the LTD System Review!

Over the past six months, the project team has evaluated the fixed route network and market conditions, conducted an on-board passenger survey, and conducted extensive community outreach with riders and non-riders. Based on this process, we have developed a series of short- and long-term service recommendations for LTD’s fixed route services, as described in more detail below. To view the same information on the project website, please visit

Short-Term Service Recommendations
These are cost-neutral changes LTD can make in the next year and do not significantly change the amount of service or how many bus operators are required to run the service. Changes that don’t require additional resources can happen sooner, while other short-term changes may take more a year to implement. While there are other minor changes, the primary short-term themes include:
  • Restoring frequency when additional operators become available
    • The top priority is EmX and Route 11 weekday service
  • Creating high-frequency corridors
    • Between Eugene Station and Santa Clara Station on River Road by adjusting schedules and alignments of Routes 40, 51, and 52
    • On Coburg Road by adjusting schedules and alignments of Routes 12, 66, and 67
    • Between Eugene Station, UO, and 30th/Hilyard by adjusting schedules and alignments of Routes 28 and 81

Question Title

LTD System Review Short-Term Service Recommendations

LTD System Review Short-Term Service Recommendations

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* Is your travel expected to be impacted by the short-term service recommendations?

Long-Term Service Recommendations

These are changes LTD would like to make but require additional resources, like buses and bus operators. The goal with these changes is to add service as resources allow that match changes in the community. These changes cannot happen all at once and would be phased in over time depending on availability of resources and community input. Primary long-term recommendation themes include:
  • Improving frequency when additional operators become available
    • A primary focus is on weekday morning service and weekend service
    • Expand number of high-frequency corridors (W 18th, MLK/Centennial, and Hwy 99)
  • Improving transit circulation in downtown Eugene
    • Pending further study by the City of Eugene, changes to the route network in downtown Eugene may be recommended that make it easier to travel to, from, and around downtown by bus.
  • Improving service to rural routes
    • The top priority is providing additional weekday trips to provide additional travel options
  • Working together with local partners to provide a strong transportation network
    • LTD is developing a Mobility Management Framework that will consider different programs and services and how LTD services can help meet local and regional mobility needs
  • Exploring capital improvements that help buses operate faster and more reliably
    • Some routes may operate faster and more reliably if bus stops are relocated or consolidated
    • The system will be more reliable if operations at transit centers are as efficient as possible

Question Title

LTD System Review Long-Term Service Recommendations

LTD System Review Long-Term Service Recommendations

Question Title

* Is your travel expected to be impacted by the long-term service recommendations?

Question Title

* Would you like to view and comment on short- or long-term recommendations for specific routes?