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Welcome to Smart Energy Sector Supply Chain Survey

Thank you for participating in this important project. The information you provide will become part of what we hope will be a useful marketing tool for your business/organization. The database/directory marketing tool will allow potential customers to search for you under the key words and categories you provide. Depending upon the complexity of your business connections with the Smart Energy Sector, the survey is expected to take about 10 minutes. You may begin the survey, leave it, and come back to complete it later. The survey will automatically open to where you left off. 

Some of your answers will be intended to be publicly available. Others will be held in confidence. The distinctions should be clear. 

Note: The survey will end on June 30, 2022.

Si vous souhaitez répondre à ce sondage en français, veuillez communiquer avec

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Bruce Cameron by email:

So, let’s begin.

0 of 41 answered