Visitor Feedback Survey Question Title * Name OK Question Title * Zip Code OK Question Title * Email OK Question Title * How many times have you visited the Museum? This was my first visit 2-3 times More than 3 times OK Question Title * On your visit, who accompanied you? Friends Family Coworkers Visited on my own Other (please specify) OK Question Title * If you chose family, what are the ages of the family members who accompanied you? (Select all that apply.) Child (0-5) Youth (6-18) Adult Senior (65+) OK Question Title * How did you hear about the Museum of the American Revolution? Website Radio Ad Social Media Independence Visitor Center News story Television Ad Print Ad Billboard Word of mouth (Recommendation from a friend, colleague, neighbor, relative, etc.) Other (please specify) OK Question Title * What was the primary motivation for your visit? General interest Research purposes To attend a special program or event To see a special exhibit Other (please specify) OK Question Title * During your visit, did you shop or dine at the Museum? Ate at the Cross Keys Cafe Visited the Museum Shop Other (please specify) OK Question Title * During your visit, did you take part in daily or special museum programs? (Select all that apply.) Engage with Museum Educator in the galleries Engage with Museum Educator at a Discovery Cart Attend a lecture, demonstration or workshop Visit Revolution Place Visit Revolutionary Philadelphia ('pop-up') None of the above Other (please specify) OK Question Title * How would you rate your experience purchasing your ticket online? Easy Average Difficult OK Question Title * Would you recommend the Museum to others? Yes No OK Question Title * How would you rate the value you received? Worth more than I paid Worth about what I paid Worth less than I paid OK Question Title * What was your favorite part of your overall Museum experience? OK Question Title * How can we improve the Museum experience? OK Collecting demographic information helps us to better understand our visitors so we can serve them better. Please tell us more by answering the following questions: OK Question Title * Including yourself, what are the age of the adults in your household (select all that apply) 18-24 25-35 35-54 55-64 65+ Prefer not to answer OK Question Title * What are the ages of the children in your household (select all that apply) No children in household 1-4 5-12 13-18 Prefer not to answer OK Question Title * What is your gender? Male Female Other Prefer not to answer OK Question Title * Please specify your ethnicity (select all that apply.) White Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Native American or American Indian Asian / Pacific Islander Prefer not to answer Other (please specify) OK Question Title * What is your household income? $0-24,999 $25,000-$74,999 $75,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000-$249,999 $250,000 or more Prefer not to answer OK Question Title * What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? (If currently enrolled, highest degree received.) Completed some high school High school graduate (includes equivalency) Some college, no degree Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Graduate or professional degree Ph.D. Prefer not to answer OK Please answer these additional questions: OK Question Title * Do you regularly attend any of the following (select all that apply.) History museums Historic or heritage sites Art museums or galleries Musical or theatrical performances Public talks or lectures None of the above Other (please specify) OK Question Title * During your visit to the Museum of the American Revolution, you: Stayed overnight in a hotel Stayed overnight in an Airbnb Stayed with friends or family Did not stay overnight. (day trip) Did not travel from out of town OK Question Title * Please select the following Museum events you would be interested in attending in the future: Guided Tours Hands-on Workshops History After Hours Living History Events Evening programs (authors, panel discussions, performances) Other (please specify) OK Question Title * Please sign me up for the Museum newsletter to receive up to date information on the latest events and programs Yes No I am already subscribed! OK SUBMIT