Sign-On to NCN Letter on the New Markets Tax Credit Allocation Application for the Calendar Year 2024-2026 Funding Rounds

On behalf of the Native CDFI Network (NCN), thank you for agreeing to have your organization join NCN's letter to the Treasury and CDFI Fund. The intent of this letter is to outline priorities to streamline and strengthen the NMTC Program Allocation Application process for the Calendar Year 2024-2026 Funding Rounds (FR Doc. 2024-03707; OMB Number: 1559-0016) to ensure Indian Country’s equitable access to and usage of NMTC Program allocations.

To formally add your organization as a co-signatory, please complete the three form fields below and click "Submit."

Note: Please sign on by 5:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday, March 26.
1.Organization Chief Executive's Name:
2.Organization Chief Executive's Position Title: 
3.Organization's Name:
4.Enter the State where your organization resides.
Thank you for signing!