Bedford Economic Alliance Feedback Survey - Newsletter Distribution

1.Please provide your name.
2.Name of Your Business 
3.Please provide your contact email.
4.Looking ahead to potential future programs through the BEA, topics of interest to me include.
5.Would you be willing to be a speaker at a future program?
6.Is there a speaker you would like to hear in the future? Please suggest a name.
7.Please note your preferred future program format:
8.It would be most helpful to me if the BEA were to make available the following resources:
9.Would you be interested in opportunities to network without programming, for example a trivia night?
10.What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve encountered working with the Town of Bedford? Please be as specific as possible.
11.The Town of Bedford is developing a new website, which will include a new section for businesses, what would be helpful to you?
12.Please share any other feedback you might have.