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Question Title

* 1. The BEST thing about living in Miltonvale Park is

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* 2. If I could change ONE thing about the Municipality it would be

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* 3. I have lived in Miltonvale Park 

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* 4. When you consider the following groups, do you have suggestions to make Miltonvale Park better?

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* 5. Regarding my municipal tax dollars and how they are spent -

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* 6. How do you get your information from the Municipality? Check all that apply.

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* 7. The municipality can access approximately $200,000 in Gas Tax Funding over the next five years for capital or capacity building projects in the following categories: Drinking Water, Wastewater, Capacity Building,  Cultural Infrastructure, Tourism Infrastructure, Community Energy Systems, Recreational Infrastructure,  Sport Infrastructure, Public Transit, Disaster Mitigation and Broadband Connectivity.  Other categories that aren't as applicable include Brownfield Redevelopment, Regional and Local Airports, Short-line Rail, Local Roads and Bridges, Highways, Short-sea Shipping and Solid Waste. FYI -The Province has also committed to improving internet in the underserviced areas of the municipality. Please rank some of the possible projects that Council is considering, or suggest other options.

  Great idea Ok No
Generators or rebates towards them
Septic Tank Risers for residents
Mini bus for local transit
Trail system
Park upgrades (soccer to cricket, signage, improvements to dog park, landscaping)
Electric Vehicle Charging Station
Seniors Housing
EMO Communications infrastructure and Weather Station

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* 8. In the past year, how often (e.g. Never, Once or Twice, Occasionally or Frequently) did you visit

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* 9. Do you have comments or questions about anything else "municipal-related" to share: Eg.  climate change, sustainability, planning and development issues, emergency planning, child bursaries, council meetings, activities and programs to offer, water and sewer..... THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUGGESTIONS AND FEEDBACK.

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