Main Street Repairs Using ARPA Funds

1.The City of Watertown Finance Committee is considering utilizing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to repair Main Street (roughly from Church St. to Market St). This same section of road is slated to be reconstructed in 2028. At that time, the WI Department of Transportation (WisDOT) will fund the entire cost of the travel lanes and some other amenities. The City will be responsible for the parking lanes, sidewalks, and City underground utility improvements. Now that the City and WisDOT are in an agreement for the projected 2028 reconstruction work, the City of Watertown has the potential opportunity to make minor repairs to the road in the interim. City officials are interested in hearing your opinion on if the city should utilize ARPA funding to repair Main Street.

Please indicate your preference from the options below for interim repair of Main Street using ARPA funds. Please select only one option.