Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. TEXTBOOKS: Read each statement below. Think carefully about each statement and respond as truthfully as you can. Mark the column that best describes your study skill.

  Almost always More than half of the time About half of the time Less than half of the time Almost never
I formulate questions from a chapter before, during, or after reading
Before reading an assignment, I survey headings, bold print, italics, questions, summaries, etc.
I try to get the meaning of new terms as I encounter them the first time.
I formulate answers to questions I have made as I read an assignment.
I look for main ideas as I read. 
I am able to spot main ideas and the related details under main ideas.
I read a textbook chapter more than once.
I use a textbook study system such as SQ3R, OK5R, etc.

Question Title

* 3. NOTETAKING: Read each statement below. Think carefully about each statement and respond as truthfully as you can. Mark the column that best describes your study skill.

  Almost always More than half of the time About half of the time Less than half of the time Almost never
I take notes as I read text book assignments.
I take notes in lectures.
After taking notes, I review them before doing something else.
I rewrite lecture notes.
I compare notes with one or more other students to check completeness and accuracy.
I organize notes to make self-testing easier.

Question Title

* 4. MEMORY: Read each statement below. Think carefully about each statement and respond as truthfully as you can. Mark the column that best describes your study skill.

  Almost always More than half of the time About half of the time Less than half of the time Almost never
I review notes more than once or twice for exams or quizzes.
I use mnemonics (memory devices)
I use visuals in my notes such as sketches, mind maps, diagrams, charts, etc.
I quiz myself over material that could appear on future exams and quizzes. 
I organize details to main ideas into numbered or lettered lists.
I convert text and lecture material in to my own words.
I think about material that could be on exams and quizzes when I am not studying.
I try to understand material in my notes in addition to memorizing.
I try to organize main ideas and details into some logical or meaningful order.

Question Title

* 5. TEST PREPARATION: Read each statement below. Think carefully about each statement and respond as truthfully as you can. Mark the column that best describes your study skill.

  Almost always More than half of the time About half of the time Less than half of the time Almost never
I study with a classmate or group.
When I don't understand something, I get help from classmates, tutors, instructors, SI leaders, etc.
I do all homework assignments.
I turn in all homework assignments on time.
I can easily identify what I have learned and what I have not yet learned before I take a test.
I review past notes for a class before I go to that class.
I read assigned material before I go to class.
I begin studying for an exam from the first week material is assigned or covered in lecture.
I review lecture notes soon after class.
I keep up to date on assignments and homework.
I eat well-balanced meals daily.
I exercise daily.
I attend learning skills classes or learning skills workshops when I know about them

Question Title

* 6. CONCENTRATION: Read each statement below. Think carefully about each statement and respond as truthfully as you can. Mark the column that best describes your study skill.

  Almost always More than half of the time About half of the time Less than half of the time Almost never
I study where it is quiet when trying to learn and remember something.
I study for a length of time then take a short break before returning to studying.
I study in varied places.
I avoid cramming.
I have all my study equipment handy in my study place (pens, paper, calculator, electronics, etc.)
When I sit down to study, I tell myself that I intend to study
I break a large assignment into smaller segments.
When the subject matter is not naturally interesting, I find ways to learn it anyway.
It is easy to pay attention in class.
I avoid studying in the evenings as much as possible.

Question Title

* 7. TIME MANAGEMENT: Read each statement below. Think carefully about each statement and respond as truthfully as you can. Mark the column that best describes your study skill.

  Almost always More than half of the time About half of the time Less than half of the time Almost never
I use a calendar book or an electronic calendar for recording daily and weekly upcoming academic and personal activities.
I use lists such as daily "to do" lists, assignment lists, etc. to organize academic and personal activities. 
I set up a master schedule of fixed monthly activities such as work, club meetings, classes, etc.
I write out short-term and long-term academic goals.
I start papers and projects way before they are due.
I study at least 2 hour for every hour I am in class.