Impact of TSA Funding Eliminations for Key Programs

Despite our vigorous objections, the final FY24 DHS appropriations bill eliminated funding for TSA’s law enforcement officer reimbursement program and state and local-led canine teams, shifting the costs to airport operators. The President’s budget request for FY25 proposes to eliminate funds for these two programs through the next fiscal year and also seeks to shift exit lane responsibilities to airport operators. To assist us with our ongoing efforts to gain funding for these important priorities in FY25, please provide us with detailed information about the impact the loss of funding will have on your budget and operations. We intend to aggregate this data. We will not use your specific answers without your permission.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information.

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* 2. Does your airport participate in the LEO reimbursement agreement program?

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* 3. If yes, how much was your annual reimbursement?

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* 4. Do you anticipate any operational impacts or changes due to the loss of LEO reimbursement funding? If yes, please describe.

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* 5. Did your airport or local law enforcement receive funding for state or local-led canine teams to operate in your airport facility?

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* 6. If yes, how many teams?

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* 7. How much was the annual canine reimbursement?

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* 8. Do you intend to pay the full costs to keep the team(s) at your facility?

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* 9. What will be the operational impact of losing the canine stipend?

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* 10. Does TSA staff exit lanes at your airport facility?

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* 11. If yes, how much would it cost per year (rough estimate) to assume this responsibility from TSA?