Is Honey Unclean? Question Title * 1. How would you rate the presenter in this teaching? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Additional comments? Question Title * 2. How would you rate the editing (graphics, sound, slides, etc.) in this teaching? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Additional comments? Question Title * 3. Did this teaching cover all of the material you expected? Yes, this teaching covered the subject fully. Mostly, there were a couple things that I wish were covered. No, this teaching did not cover at all what I expected. Additional comments? Question Title * 4. Overall, how easy was it to find this teaching when you were searching for it? Extremely easy Quite easy Moderately easy Slightly easy Not at all easy Not applicable (I was not necessarily "looking" for this teaching) Additional comments? Question Title * 5. After watching this teaching, do you agree with its conclusions? Yes No I'm not sure Additional comments? Question Title * 6. How likely are you to recommend this teaching to someone you know? Extremely likely Very likely Moderately likely Slightly likely Not at all likely Question Title * 7. Would it be okay if we followed up by email to request a clarification to one or more of your responses? Yes No If Yes, please enter the best email address to contact you by Done