1. Proposed Session Details

Thank you for your interest. Please submit your session proposal for the GSAE Annual Meeting or other GSAE event by completing this form. Upon completion, you will receive an automatic acknowledgment of your submission. Those chosen to present at the Annual Meeting will be notified in the fourth quarter of the year before. Luncheon and workshop proposals are considered throughout GSAE's program year.

GSAE's Annual Meeting location varies throughout the Southeast, but is always held the Wednesday - Friday of Memorial Day week. Luncheons and local workshops are held in metro Atlanta.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your program interest. Check all that apply.

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* 2. Please provide the title(s) of your proposed session(s).

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* 3. Please provide the learning objectives of your proposed presentation (s). 200 characters or less).

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* 4. Please indicate characteristics of your program. Check all that apply.

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* 5. Please indicate how you primarily plan to engage the audience.

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* 6. If you have a link to your presentation list or a video clip link to provide, please list it below.

Question Title

* 7. Please list your prior experience presenting to association executives or the association management community (event, audience, years, etc).