
The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (the “Society”) shall be governed by the Board of Directors. The primary purpose of the Board of Directors is to secure and promote the financial, legal and ethical well-being of the organization so that it may fulfill its mission. This includes managing the property, activities and affairs of the Society.
I have a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that the Society does the best work possible in pursuit of its goals. I believe in the purpose and the mission of the organization, and I will act responsibly and prudently as its steward. As a board member, I am fully committed and dedicated to the mission and have pledged to carry out this mission.

*Per Article III, Section 3, subsection d, of the Bylaws: Absences can be approved or excused only by the Board. Two unexcused absences from scheduled Board meetings, annual business meetings, or special meetings of the Board during any term as a member of the Board shall constitute a de facto resignation. Such resignation shall be effective two weeks after the Board gives notice to the Board member of such de facto resignation.

Question Title

* By clicking yes to the following, I acknowledge that my duties and responsibilities include:

Attend all face-to-face board meetings, including but not limited to the SAEM Annual Meeting ( May 13-16, 2025; September 8-9, 2025; January 17-20 2026, and April 14-17, 2026).
Attending the Society’s monthly board meetings via video conference (3rd Tuesday of each month, 12:00-2:00pm CT).*
Acting in the best interests of the Society, and excusing myself from discussions and votes for which I have a conflict of interest.
I further understand that my duties and responsibilities include the following:
  • Knowing and effectively articulating the Society’s mission, purpose, goals, policies, and programs.
  • Attending all Society events as recommended by the Society’s Executive Committee.
  • Being an active participant in the Society’s committees, academies, and interest groups to which I am appointed as Board Liaison.
  • Actively participating in assessments of the Society’s performance and the establishment of its strategic goals and objectives.
  • Actively participating in helping to develop resources for the Society.
  • Participating in the establishment and enforcement of organizational policies.
  • Striving to keep abreast of trends, issues, and current developments that may affect the Society.
  • Remaining informed about current activities and events within the Society, asking questions, and requesting information as needed. I will participate in and take responsibility for making decisions on issues, policies and other board matters.
  • Actively voicing my opinions and concerns, and open-mindedly considering the opinions and concerns of others in all Board decision making. I will trust that we all share a similar passion for the Society’s mission.
  • Exercising my authority as a board member only when acting in a meeting with the full Board or when appointed by the Board.
  • Representing the Society in a positive and supportive manner at all times.
  • Working collaboratively with staff and other board members as partners towards the achievement of our goals.
  • Strictly maintaining the confidentiality of all privileged or sensitive information provided to me, in order to safeguard the Society’s reputation and integrity, as well as the privacy rights of individuals and donors connected with the Society.

If I do not fulfill these commitments to the organization, I will expect the Board President to discuss my responsibilities with me.

Question Title

* In turn, the organization will be responsible to me by providing:
  • Proper orientation to service on the Board
  • Ample notice of all required Board meetings and activities
  • Minutes of all Board meetings
  • Regular financial reports and analyses
  • Analyses and updates on significant organizational and personnel activities
  • Relevant information that is needed to effectively serve as a Board member
  • Indemnification from liability for a Board member’s reasonable and necessary actions, to the extent allowed by law
  • Reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred while conducting and attending to Board business
  • Directors and Officers liability insurance coverage
  • Respect for my time
  • Opportunities to use my talents effectively
I certify by typing my name below that I understand these expectations that accompany Board service and will do my best to fulfill them as a member of the SAEM Board of Directors.

I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature.

Please click "Done" to submit your Board Member Commitment Policy Form.