I agree that if selected, I will adhere to all of the following standards. I have read, understand, and if elected to any position agree to:
1. Serve the conference I am elected to in its entirety to the best of my ability;
2. Be the best district member I can be through active participation in meetings, service projects, recruitment, and general support to my local officers and Advisor(s);
3. Assist my Advisor(s) and fellow delegates with the preparation, leadership, and on-site support throughout the year
4. Keep open and regular communications with YMCA staff by phone or email
5. Read all guidelines and officer packets sent to me by the Y-Staff
6. Attend both Fall and Spring Steering Conferences
7. Contact assigned Y-Staff in writing at least 10 days prior to an event if you are unable to attend any of the workshops, training events, or conferences mentioned above with a reasonable explanation to the satisfaction of the YMCA Executive Director;
8. Abide by the rules and regulations of my school and the laws of my community, state, and country.
9. Understand that all decisions about the conference must be approved and agreed to by the State Director, and accept that they may need to make any changes they see fit at any time.
Furthermore, I understand that if I do not meet all of these requirements I may be removed from office at the discretion of the State Director. I also understand that my or my delegation’s failure to conduct my campaign in an appropriate manner will result in my being removed as a Candidate. My parents/Guardians have also read and agreed to these expectations. We agree to all of the above, and indicate this agreement by signing our names below.