New Jersey State Library (NJSL) is allocating federal funding from the Library Services and Technology Act through a competitive grant program to address literacy needs. Public libraries may propose projects to provide training or other literacy focused support or activities for adults, children, and anyone with limited literacy skills. These may include early literacy, family literacy, adult literacy, digital literacy, and English language learning activities. 

We are recruiting reviewers to read and score applications from public libraries and all library consortia organized as 501(c)(3) entities across the state. We want to gather reviewers who represent all our libraries, big and small, and from all regions. If your library is applying, you could still be a reviewer. Just let us know if you have any real or perceived conflict(s) of interest, so we don't assign you application(s) from those library(s).

Reviewers will use an easy rubric to score each application.  If you would like to volunteer, please keep in mind that this work has to be done in August 2022.

We'll send selected reviewers everything they need electronically. At the State Library we'll gather your responses, tally the results, and make awards to the best proposals.

Please consider joining our team and helping decide on these awards.

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* 1. Contact information

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* 2. Are you available to score applications between 8/12/22 and 8/31/22?

If you have questions, contact us at 

Thank you!