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The purpose of this application is to:

  • Express interest for participating in the NCCaregivers Program.  Only North Carolina Nursing Homes are eligible.
  • Provide information for the new NCCaregivers website that prospective employees will use to contact the nursing homes about employment.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Renee Batts, Project Leader, , 252-292-3793
Eric Kivisto,, 919-782-3827

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* 1. Agreement

NC Nursing Homes participating in the NCCaregivers Program:

  • Agrees to attend or view the recorded video of the implementation webinar.
  • Agrees to reimburse the employee for approved Nurse Aide Training costs in accordance to 42 CFR 483.152 (c ) within one month of date of hire. (If the employee paid for the training his/herself.)
  • Agrees to pay eligible staff a $500 retention bonus if they work part-time or full-time for six consecutive months at your nursing home.
  • Agrees to input information into a secure on-line tracking system to include, but not limited to:
    • Date of hire
    • Date given the $500 retention bonus
    • Date separated or terminated if less than 6 months.
  • Agrees to allow all employees to complete three engagement/satisfaction surveys over the course of the project.  The Facility also agrees to complete an on-line survey at the conclusion of the NCCaregivers program.
  • Agrees to participate in webinars related to employee engagement and satisfaction surveys, as well as leadership and improving workplace culture webinars.
I have read the "Agreement" and understand that this will be part of the requirements for participating.

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* 2. Please indicate the name of your nursing home.

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* 3. Please indicate the name and email address of your Medical Director.

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* 4. Please indicate the name and email address of your Staff Development Coordinator.

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* 5. Please indicate the name(s) and email address(es) of the staff responsible for the Family and Resident Councils.

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* 6. The remaining questions relate to the information that will be shown on the NCCaregivers website regarding your nursing home.  It is recommended to give a webpage link that is the most direct possible route to potential employees so they do not have barriers to participate.  Ideally the nursing home would create a webpage related to employment and benefits.

Please include the email address that will be shown on the NCCaregivers webpage for the prospective employee to contact. 

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* 7. Please include the nursing home website shown on the NCCaregivers website that the prospective employee will see.

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* 8. Please add any comments or questions.

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