I am an NHS GP and I have written this pledge with the intention of seeking support for the NHS and to highlight how the current direction of travel of the NHS is a major concern to many people in the country.

I am asking you to support the NHS pledge below. I am hoping to get significant support for it in order to pressurise politicians and NHS policymakers. There are no restrictions on who can sign the pledge.

Thank you.

Dr David Wrigley
The NHS Pledge
  1. The NHS is one of the best healthcare systems in the world and we wish it to be publicly funded and publicly provided
  2. The Health and Social Care Act will lead to the rapid and unwanted expansion of large commercial companies in the NHS
  3. The concept of 'Any Qualified Provider' in the NHS should be ended and a publicly provided NHS should be the 'preferred provider'
  4. Political parties must fully commit to repealing the Health and Social Care Act and openly support these four statements

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1. Do you support the NHS pledge?

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2. Please add your name and location in order to give more validation to the pledge - this will be confidential if you request so in the next question

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3. If the pledge is published by the press in an article supporting the NHS would you be willing for your name and location to be passed on to them

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4. It may be that I need to contact you in the future - if you are happy to do so please leave your email address here - I will not release your email to anyone

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5. If you have any comments on the NHS and the present direction of travel then please enter them here.