In order to provide you with the best possible service, the New Hampshire Retirement System would appreciate a few moments of your time to fill out a brief online survey. 
Please rate your experience concerning your NHRS member counseling appointment.

Question Title

* 1. How satisfied are you with the following:

  Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Phone system navigation (if applicable)
Email (if applicable)
Initial contact with a representative
Date and time met your needs
Reception upon arrival

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied are you with the service provided by the Benefits Specialist who conducted the appointment?  

  Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Friendliness / Professionalism / Courtesy
Clarity of verbal explanation 
Clarity of written materials (if applicable)

Question Title

* 3. Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience?

Question Title

* 4. Please share any additional comments regarding your appointment. We are interested in your positive feedback, as well as any areas that you believe need improvement. 

Question Title

* 5. Contact Information (optional):