Your feedback is important to the development and launch of our new podcast, The Sandbox with Diane and Rebekka. Thank you for listening and for taking a few minutes to complete this survey!

Question Title

* 1. Which episode(s) did you listen to? [check all that apply]

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* 2. What is your first reaction to The Sandbox with Diane and Rebekka?

Question Title

* 3. Overall, how would you rate the quality of this podcast?

Question Title

* 4. Would you be inclined to listen to this podcast again?

Question Title

* 5. How likely is it that you would recommend The Sandbox with Diane and Rebekka to a friend or colleague?


Question Title

* 6. What works well in this podcast?

Question Title

* 7. What would improve this podcast?

Question Title

* 8. Name one topic that you would like to hear Diane and Rebekka talk about on The Sandbox:

Question Title

* 9. Please share suggestions of potential sponsors for The Sandbox or organizations that may be interested in hosting a Sandbox Live event:

Question Title

* 10. Would you be willing to help us spread the word about this podcast via social media?

Thank you for your feedback! Stay tuned for more episodes of The Sandbox with Diane and Rebekka...