This survey is about America’s comment system as it existed before November 1, 2019.

Question Title

* 1. What type of commenter are you?

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* 2. The comments improve my experience with reading America on the web 

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* 3. How effectively does our comments community and moderation achieve the goal, as outlined in our comments policy, of keeping comments charitable?

Question Title

* 4. ...of keeping comments brief?

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* 5. ...of keeping comments on topic?

Question Title

* 6. How easy to use is the current commenting system?

Question Title

* 7. Any other feedback you'd like to give us about our commenting experience? 

Question Title

* 8. Your email address (if you would like to be sent a follow-up survey in a few months)

New comments are coming! If you would like to learn more about and test our new comments system, click here.