Vermont Agency of Agriculture's Service Survey

We are actively working to improve the service that we provide to farmers, producers, partners and consumers.  By completing this survey, you will help  us determine where we need to focus our energies.  We appreciate your time.  Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. What Division/Section did you interact with today?

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* 2. How long did it take for the employee to respond to your initial request?

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* 3. Employee was polite and courteous

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* 4. Employee understood your issue or question

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* 5. Employee addressed your issue in a timely manner

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* 6. The resolution of your issue was complete

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* 7. If an immediate answer was not available, was a time frame provided or were you referred to an appropriate point of contact?

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* 8. Overall, were you satisfied with the service provider?

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* 9. Please provide any additional details/comments about your recent experience with this employee.

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* 10. Would you like to be contacted for follow up on your survey response?  If so please provide contact information (name, email and/or phone number).

The purpose of this survey is to obtain information to assist the Vermont Agency of Agriculture in fulfilling its duties under Vermont law. Completion of this survey is voluntary. Information collected may be subject to disclosure under the Vermont Public Records Act, 1 V.S.A. § 315 et al.