Please Rate the following; 1 star = poor, 3 stars = average, 5 stars = excellent

Question Title

* 1. How would you rate the wait time for your initial appoinment?

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* 2. How would you rate the quality of care and efficiency of the administrative staff in booking appointments and answering your questions?

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* 3. How would you rate the wait time for your sleep test?

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* 4. Please rate the quality of care you received by your sleep technologist(s).

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* 5. How would you rate the wait for your results appointment?

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* 6. Did you find your appointment(s) with Dr. Lee, Dr. Soucy, Dr. Spitale or Dr. Douglass to be informative and well explained?

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* 7. Did we do a good job of enhancing your knowledge of better sleep practices and the importance of sleep?

Question Title

* 8. How would you rate the cleanliness of the facility?

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* 9. How likely are you to recommend our clinic to someone you know?

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* 10. What could we have done better?

Question Title

* 11. Do you have any additional comments or feedback that you would like to add?

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100% of survey complete.