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NH Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence Website
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Before You Begin

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About this Survey

This survey asks questions about the services you have received through a NH crisis center and how beneficial the services have been to you.

  • This anonymous survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.
  • The survey does not ask for any information that can identify you or the device you are using.
  • Your responses are voluntary. You can skip any question you do not wish to answer.
  • Completed surveys are compiled by NH Coalition staff and shared only with the crisis center you worked with.

    Thank you for your feedback!

Question Title

* 1. What crisis center did you work with?

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* 2. How did you hear about the crisis center?

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* 3. Where did you most recently work with an advocate?

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* 4. Are you currently or have you recently stayed in the crisis center's shelter?

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* 5. Based on your experience with the crisis center, please indicate what feels true to you:

  Not at all Somewhat A lot Does not apply to me
I feel more hopeful about the future
I know more about community resources
I have more ways to plan for my safety
I feel less alone
I know more about systems I may be involved with (legal, DCYF, social services, housing programs, etc)
I feel comfortable reaching out in the future or connecting friends who might need support
I have a plan to help meet my financial and housing needs

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* 6. From your contact with this agency, what community resources were you connected to? (check all that apply)

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* 7. Are there any other comments, concerns, or suggestions that you'd like to share about your experience working with the crisis center? (please do not include any personally identifiable information like your name, phone number, email, or address)

0 of 7 answered