Question Title

* 1. Student Name or Student ID:

Question Title

* 2. After completing the CAP, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree to the following statements about your overall CAP experience:

  1 = Strongly Agree 2 = Agree 3 = Disagree 4 = Strongly Disagree
Overall, I had a positive experience with the Community Adventure Program.
Overall, I have a better understanding of essential camping and wilderness survival skills compared to when I started the CAP.
Overall, I have a deeper awareness and appreciation for the natural world compared to when I started the CAP.
Overall, I am more aware of environmental issues compared to when I started CAP.
Overall, I developed a better understanding of my personal environmental ethic compared to when I started CAP.
Overall, our Action Project took a positive step towards addressing our issue and had a positive impact in the community.
Overall, I am more likely to take steps to reduce my environmental footprint compared to when I started the CAP.
Overall, I have better leadership skills compared to when I started the CAP.
Overall, I have better teamwork skills compared to when I started the CAP.
Overall, I have better communication skills compared to when I started the CAP.
Overall, I have better critical thinking skills compared to when I started the CAP.
Overall, I have better problem solving skills compared to when I started the CAP.
Overall, I feel more confident compared to when I started CAP.
Overall, I have a better work ethic compared to when I started CAP.
Overall, I have the skills to be able to identify a community need and come up with a solution to make a positive impact in my community compared to when I started the CAP.
Overall, I developed a better understanding of my personal service ethic compared to when I started CAP.
Overall, I will be more active and involved with my community compared to when I started the CAP.
Overall, I have a better understanding of future careers pertaining to the environment compared to when I started the CAP.

Question Title

* 3. Please rate your teacher by answering how strongly you agree or disagree to the following statements:

  1 = Strongly Agree 2 = Agree 3 = Disagree 4 = Strongly Disagree
The teacher is well organized for each class.
The teacher is well prepared to teach each class.
The grading process is clearly defined.
Behavioral expectations (class norms) are clearly stated so that all students know what is expected.
Consequences for inappropriate behavior are enforced in a fair and consistent manner.
The teacher is available for extra help if I don't understand.
The teacher is flexible in meeting my needs. He/she is understanding.
The teacher does an effective job of explaining the material. He/she respects the fact that we don't all learn at the same rate.
There is a positive atmosphere for learning in this class.
The teacher sets a tone of respect for knowledge and achievement.
The teacher explains assignments clearly.
The teacher treats all members of the class equally, without regard to gender or ethnicity.

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* 4. What changes, modifications, improvements, or suggestions do you have for future Community Adventure Program classes? What specific things would you add, eliminate, or keep?

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* 5. How has this course impacted you?

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* 6. Would you recommend the Community Adventure Program to other students?