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The DMU Climate Emergency event is on the 30th May, 11am-1pm, in the Campus Centre Atrium. We will be discussing DMU's role in responding to climate change and the ‘climate emergency’ and want to get your input on discussion topics before the event.

If you have any enquiries, please email

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* 1. Will you be attending the DMU Climate Emergency Event?

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* 2. If yes, you can optionally provide your name and email address so that we can keep in touch before and afterwards. Your details will just be used for communications regarding this event and any follow-up activity.

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* 3. If you are attending the event, we will be providing some food, please let us know of any dietary requirements you may have

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* 4. What is your role? (tick all that apply)

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* 5. If you are attending, what would you like to discuss or hear from others at the event? (We will have up to six subgroups to focus on topics attendees put forward. You are free to move between groups during the event)

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* 6. If you’re not attending the event, please write your thoughts here to help us develop our approach. These could include: What does climate emergency mean to you? What more can DMU do in light of a climate emergency?

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* 7. The UK Government, Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council and several UK universities (e.g. Bristol, Newcastle) have declared a climate emergency, alongside a range of other institutions. Should DMU join them and declare one too?

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