Ottawa needs to hear from you! Decisions made by the Liberals in the past years have hurt hard working families, seniors, farmers, energy workers, and small businesses.

These surveys will allow me to bring your voice to Ottawa, but I need your input to do it. – MP Glen Motz

Note: Questions 1 – 15 are for individuals or families to answer, and Questions 16-22 are geared specifically to business owners. If you are a business owner, please continue to answer to the end. If not, just stop at question 15.

Thank you!

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* 1. Information

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* 2. What are your economic expectations for 2024?

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* 3. What measures would improve life for you and your family? (Check all that apply)

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* 4. What is the biggest issue facing you and your family, friends, and neighbours?

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* 5. In December 2023, inflation continued to remain high at 3.2%, far above the 2% target. Housing costs have doubled. Rent payments have doubled. Mortgage payments are 150% higher than they were before Trudeau. Beef, pasta and fruit are all up 10%. A 5.4% increase since last year is still far more than Canadians can afford. The cost of food is so extreme that there were 2 million visits to food banks in March 2023 alone.
Have you noticed inflation in your daily living? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. Many people reported being impacted by mental health during the cost-of-living crisis last year. Since last year, what changes have you seen in your mental health and the health of those around you?

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* 7. Do you, your family and friends have access to mental health support?

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* 8. What should the government focus on in order to support long-term growth and jobs? (Check all that apply)

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* 9. Despite a cost-of-living crisis, the Liberals have continued to increase payroll taxes, the carbon tax, and the alcohol escalator tax. How will this impact you / your family's budget?

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* 10. Are you struggling to pay your bills?

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* 11. Over 50 percent of Canadians are $200 or less away from going broke. Business insolvencies have increased by 37 percent in 2023. Are you concerned about your ability to get ahead financially?

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* 12. Despite warnings from the Bank of Canada and the Canadian financial sector that government spending is contributing to Canada’s high inflation, the Prime Minister ignored their calls for moderation and continues to spend on the backs of Canadians, keeping inflation and interest rates high. These interest rates risk a mortgage meltdown on the $900 billion of mortgages that will renew over the next three years. High inflation means the government is getting richer while Canadians get poorer. In 2024, Justin Trudeau will spend more money servicing his debt than he will on health care.

The only way to undo the damage the Liberals have done is by reversing course and doing the opposite. The common-sense Conservative plan will axe the carbon tax, balance the budget, and build homes and not bureaucracy to bring home lower prices for Canadians. Do you support this Conservative plan?

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* 13. Do you believe that Canada's economic situation will improve in 2024?

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* 14. How much do you expect to spend on carbon taxes this year?

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* 15. If you could get the government to do one thing this year to improve your economic situation, what would it be?

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* 16. What type of business do you have?
(Reminder: If you do not have a business, you can skip answering questions 16 through 22, and just hit the 'Done' button at the end of this survey. Thanks!)

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* 17. What impact has the ongoing cost-of-living crisis had on your business?

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* 18. What impact has the cost-of-living crisis had on your community outside of your business?

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* 19. How is your business positioned to manage ongoing impacts of post-pandemic recovery in 2024?

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* 20. What are barriers to your company's growth? (Check all that apply)

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* 21. Will you be making an investment to grow your company this year?

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* 22. The federal government increased taxes this year despite a struggling economy and a cost-of-living crisis. They have continued to increase payroll taxes, and the carbon tax. What impact will this have on your business?