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There are various grants, loans, and subsidies available to farmers. The National Farmers Union – Ontario is surveying farmers to find out which financial supports they are using, and what their experiences have been in accessing and implementing them.

We hope to share this knowledge with our full membership to help farms of all ages, sizes, and types access funding opportunities that will help them thrive. 

This short survey should take about five minutes to complete. If you would prefer to complete the survey by phone, or have any questions, please email

When we share our findings, we will not include any identifying information about you. Thank you for participating!

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following labour or training programs have you applied for or used as an employer on your farm? (check all that apply)

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* 2. Have your labour or training program applications been successful?

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* 3. Referring to one or more of the labour or training programs you have applied for, please describe whether you have had a good or bad experience in applying for or using the program(s), and why. (Skip if not applicable.)

Question Title

* 4. Which of the following loan, tax, grant, and/or cost-sharing programs has your farm used or applied for? (check all that apply)

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* 5. Have your loan, tax, grant, and/or cost-sharing program applications been successful?

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* 6. Referring to one or more of the loan, tax, grant, and/or cost-sharing programs you have applied for, please describe whether you had a good or bad experience in applying for or using the program(s), and why. (Skip if not applicable.)

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