Niagara Falls Extended School Day Student Survey 2020


Please take a few moments to provide us with some feedback about the Extended Day program you attended this year before schools closed. You will also have  chance to tell us what you need now. All responses are confidential and anonymous. Thank you for your honest feedback!
1.What grade are you in?(Required.)
2.How often did you go to the Extended Day Program?
3.Please rate the following statements:(Required.)
Almost never
Almost always
I enjoyed the Extended Day program. 
I was comfortable asking the Extended Day staff for help.
Conflicts between students and teachers in the Extended Day program were resolved fairly.
In Extended Day, students were friends with other students from different racial/ethnic backgrounds.
I felt safe at the Extended Day program.
The clubs I attended were interesting and fun.
When I do something poorly, it makes me want to give up.
The clubs I attended helped me with my schoolwork.
If I decide not to get any bad grades, I can do it.
The clubs I attended helped me to grow and get along with others. 
When studying, I keep working even if the material is difficult.
4.The Extended Day Program helped me to:(Required.)
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
Make more friends
Be happier
Get along better with others
Solve problems better
Feel more confident
Feel better prepared for my classes
Want to come to school more
Have something interesting to do after school 
Better understand things I learned during the school day
Learn new skills or improve my skills
Feel more successful
Feel part of a group with similar interests
Feel more satisfied with my high school experience overall
Meet a group of kids I liked to hang out with 
Feel part of something bigger than myself
Make better decisions
5.How would you rate the Extended Day Program overall? 
6.What have been your biggest concerns since schools closed?
7.What specific kinds of help do you feel you need now to cope with school or anything else?
8.When you go back to school in person (not online), what do you think you will need the most? (Select all that apply)
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered