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Fermanagh and Omagh District Council - Play Strategy: Donagh

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council approved a new Play Park Strategy 2021-2030 in February 2021. The strategy aims to guide the future provision, upgrade, development and sustainable management of play parks across the district.

This project is a key deliverable of the Councils Corporate Plan 2020-24 in relation to Action 15 - ‘Develop and deliver a sustainable action plan for inclusive and accessible play spaces and play provision across the district that meets the play needs of children and young people.’

A specialist Play Team has been recruited to deliver on the Play Strategy and an indicative Play Plan has been devised. As part of year five works for the strategy, Donagh has been identified as a priority.

Currently there is one play park in Donagh which the strategy outlines plans to upgrade
- Donagh, Millenium Community Centre Playground

So that we can provide high quality play parks suitable to community needs, please take a few moments to offer your thoughts, and should you wish to discuss any issues further please contact the Play Area Team at the following email address:

This survey will close on Monday 30th Sept 2024 at 5.00pm. Thank you for your time.

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* 1. What age group are the people in your household? Select all that apply

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* 2. Do your children/family use the play park in Donagh at present?

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* 3. How long do you usually stay in the park?

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* 4. Thinking specifically of the play park in Donagh, which of the following statements do you agree/disagree with?

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
Play facilities are too small and not interesting enough
Play facilities are well maintained
Play equipment/play experience only suitable for younger children
Play equipment/play experience only suitable for older children
Play facilities are not inclusive enough for people with disabilities

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* 5. During the upgrades for Donagh play park, what play equipment, or additional features would you/your children consider to be important? (Select a number for each equipment, putting number 1 as the most desirable and 8 as the least desirable).

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* 6. Are there any other comments you would like to make about play park provision within Donagh?

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* 7. So that we can map where our respondents are from, what is your postcode?

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* 8. Do you consider yourself, or anyone in your household who would use the play parks to have a disability?

Thank you so much for your time – your responses will help us to make decisions about play park provision in Donagh
0 of 8 answered