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Question Title

* 1. How much of a problem do you feel Substance Misuse is in the Newfound Community overall?

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* 2. I believe substance use is being addressed effectively in my community.

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* 3. I associate misusing substances with a lack of will power.

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* 4. How large of a problem are the following substances in the Newfound region?

  Not a Problem Minor Problem Moderate Problem A Major Problem
Underage Drinking 
Youth Marijuana Use (Edibles) 
Youth Marijuana Use (Smoking) 
Fentanyl Use
Methamphetamine Use 
Heroin Use
Youth Vaping (Nicotine) 
Youth Vaping (Marijuana) 
Prescription Drug Use
Synthetic Drugs (K-2 ; Bath Salts)
Underage Cigarette use 

Question Title

* 5. Of the substances listed in the previous question what do you think is the most concerning problem facing the Newfound region?

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* 6. In your opinion, what do you think are the key issues contributing to youth substance use in our community?
Please check all that apply.

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* 7. In your opinion, where do you think youth are accessing alcohol? Please check all that apply

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* 8. Local youth report alcohol and other drugs are easy to get. They also report getting alcohol from peers, siblings, friends and at home without parental permission. Why do you think this is happening in the Newfound Region?

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* 9. How much of a barrier would each of the issues below be if you needed to get a friend or family member treatment for substance misuse?

  Not at all Not Really Unsure  Somewhat  Very Much
Fear of losing family (i.e. children, partner etc.)
Fear of losing job
Fear of going to jail/prison
Cost/lack of health insurance 
Lack of transportation
Others judgment /stigma
Lack of treatment options
Lack of privacy/confidentiality
Lack of childcare
Not knowing where to go for help

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* 10. What town do you live in?

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* 11. What is your age?

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* 12. What is your residence status?

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* 13. What is your race?

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* 14. How do you Identify? 

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* 15. Do you identify as LGBTQI+?

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* 17. What is your approximate average yearly household income?

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* 18. Is there anything else you would like us to know.

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