A vision and plan for Newberry Country — South Deschutes County and northern Klamath County — are coming into focus. This is your chance to help shape the future of your community.

For more than a year, Newberry Country residents have been discussing how to ensure the future livability of this special place in Central Oregon. From June 2023 to June 2024, more than 1,100 residents participated in a community survey; hundreds more attended a series of focus groups and civic engagement sessions; and interviews and discussions were had with community leaders and stakeholders.

All of that input has led to the development of more than 60 ideas as potential strategies for inclusion in a Newberry Regional Partnership Strategic Plan. All of these ideas reflect the opinions of the wider community and are considered a starting point in developing the strategic plan. Now it's time to see which of these ideas have the most support from residents.

Based on the results of this poll, the Newberry Regional Partnership’s Advisory Committee, assisted by its host organization Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council, will develop a final slate of draft strategies and bring them before a summit meeting of key stakeholders and residents in fall 2024. The strategies will then be refined and published in an Action Plan.

This poll is organized by six focus areas:

  • Resilient Newberry: Wildfire and Public Safety
  • Livable Newberry: Growth, Planning and Community Engagement
  • Sustainable Newberry: Environment, Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation
  • Thriving Newberry: Health, Wellness and Human Services
  • Prosperous Newberry: Jobs and Economic Development
  • Inspired Newberry: Education, Youth Activities, Arts and Culture

For each of these focus areas, there are a number of ideas for potential strategies. This poll will ask you to choose the ones you believe will have the greatest positive impact on people's lives in Newberry Country.

Prize drawing: We will be conducting a drawing for a prize once the poll closes. To be entered into the drawing, you need to answer all the questions AND provide your email address at the end of the poll.

Protecting your privacy: Neither your email address nor any other identifying information will be recorded with your answers to any part of this poll. All information will be compiled anonymously with that of other respondents.

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* 1. Are you currently a full-time or part-time resident of South Deschutes County or northern Klamath County?

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* 2. If you are a full-time or part-time resident of South Deschutes County or northern Klamath County, where do you live? (Check one.)

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* 3. If you are NOT a full-time or part-time resident of South Deschutes County or northern Klamath County, where do you live?