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ERI would like to provide a scholarship of free tuition to ERI’s 2nd Annual Birth to Three Conference, to a therapist who is new to practicing in any birth to three setting to help further their potential to significantly contribute to therapy practice.
This nominee should have a strong potential to meet children’s needs and collaboratively engage with colleagues, parents, and other medical providers.

You may nominate yourself or colleague(s) – or both!
Nomination Criteria:
  • The nominee must be an occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech language pathologist, or OT/PT/SLP assistant.
  • The nominee must currently practice therapy in any birth to three setting (excluding NICU)
  • The nominee must demonstrate the core values of collaboration, integrity, and a passion for improving the lives of children.

Applications are due by February 16, 2025.

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* 1. Your full name

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* 2. Your email

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* 3. Name of nominee

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* 4. Nominee's Email

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* 5. Nominee's discipline (Must be OT, PT, SLP, Assistant)

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* 6. Nominee's number of years in practice

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* 7. Why does the nominee deserve to win this award?  Be sure to include detailed information so the committee can fully envision why this nominee deserves the award.

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* 8. Choose ONE of the following and describe how the nominee exemplifies this skill while delivering excellent services.

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* 9. How did you hear about this award? Please check all that apply.