We want to hear from you!

Several health and social service partners are collaborating to distribute a survey to learn about the most important health needs in Caledonia, Essex, and Orleans counties. We are asking those age 18 and older who live, work, or spend a majority of their time in the Northeast Kingdom to participate.

Your voice matters.

Answers to the survey help to show where to add or revise programs or services to help improve the health of our community. When we describe healthcare, we understand that there are many things that influence health. This survey will help us to know where resources should be directed to improve health and wellness.

Please complete the entire survey.

We cannot assume your concerns – we need your feedback. Our partners hope to learn about the most important health needs in our communities. The survey is confidential and takes about 15 minutes to complete. Please plan to return your survey to the location/person in which you received it. All responses to the survey are due by July 15, 2024.

Your answers are private and anonymous. You can express your opinion, openly and honestly.

The survey does not ask for your name or how to contact you. You can be honest about the experiences you are currently having with the services provided to you and your family.


For questions about the survey, please contact any of the participating organizations listed at the top and refer to the “2024 Community Health Needs Assessment Survey” for the Northeast Kingdom.

Thank you for completing this survey!