Northeast Indiana Local Food Network - Producer Surveys

1.How long has your farming operation been established in Northeast Indiana?
2.How many years of experience does the primary farmer of your farm have?
3.What is the age of the primary farmer on your farm?
4.Are you a year round producer?
5.How many total acres do you have in production?
6.How many production sites do you have?
7.Where are your production sites? Check all that apply.
8.What do you grow/produce? Check all that apply.
9.What makes your farm, or product, special, i.e. farming practices, varieties, other? Please specify.
10.What local food non-profits or organizations do you interact with or hold membership with? Check all that apply.
11.What services do these organizations currently provide for you? Check all that apply.
12.What services are you looking for that you are not receiving from these organizations? Check all that apply.
13.What market channels do you currently sell through? Check all that apply.
14.What market channels would you like to sell through? Check all that apply
15.Are you interested in expanding the production of your farm operation?
16.If so, what is limiting you from accomplishing the business expansion? Check all that apply.
17.What do you see as the priorities for building the capacity and resilience of the Northeast Indiana Local Food System?
18.Think big, vibrant, thriving, resilient...and finish this statement, "In 10 years time, the Northeast Indiana Local Food System looks like...."
19.To get there, what work should the Northeast Indiana Local Food Network focus on to help you thrive?
20.If you are open to us following up with you, please provide us with your farm name and contact information.