The Nonprofit Executive Institute (NEI) is a leadership program designed to offer nonprofit leaders skills and strategies to enhance organizational sustainability and transform the communities they serve. This program focuses on capacity building seminars to develop ethical, innovative, prosperous, strategic, and visionary public leaders with specific learning objectives. A limited number of individuals will be chosen.

Please answer the questions carefully.

Application deadline is Friday, August 2, 2024.

Selection Criteria: Successful candidates have:
- Commitment to nonprofit community
- Long-term desire to serve the community
- Demonstrated professional growth and leadership

$1,250 for NAM members
$2,500 for not-yet-NAM members
Payment options are available. Payment is due before the first session unless special arrangements are made.

2025 Program Schedule
Required Meeting Dates (Sessions are from 8:30a to 5:00p unless otherwise noted)
December 10, 2025: 8:30a – 10:00a (Class 18 Welcome Breakfast)
January 14, 2025
March 11, 2025
May 15, 2025** (Better Together joint session with Leadership Omaha & LeadDIVERSITY)
July 8, 2025
September 9, 2025
November 11, 2025
Discussion & Networking Lunches (11:30a to 1:00p - optional, highly encouraged)
February 11, 2025
April 8, 2025
June 10, 2025
August 12, 2025
October 14, 2025

NEI Leadership Team: View the Leadership Team Here

For more details on the Nonprofit Executive Institute, visit NAM's Website

Online applications via this form are due by close of business on August 2, 2024. Only one applicant per organization will be accepted.

Successful candidates will be recognized at the keynote luncheon of the Nonprofit Summit of the Midlands on November 14, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Applicant Information

Question Title

* 2. Pronouns
Optional, may be used on nametags

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* 3. Executive Director or CEO's name and preferred contact information
If you are the ED or CEO, please provide your Board Chair's name and preferred contact information

Question Title

* 4. Schedule Commitment: The NEI application process is competitive and the cohort is carefully selected. Your presence is planned for at each session. Attendance and full participation from 8:30 am – 5:00pm at each session is expected. Arriving late &/or leaving early is considered an absence. Please review the program dates prior to applying. We recommend placing a tentative hold on your calendar. Participants missing more than one session will be removed from the cohort and invited to reapply next year. Refunds will not be given.

Do you commit to attending all program days?

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* 5. Have you applied for NEI in previous years?

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* 6. What is your organization's annual budget?

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* 7. What kind of service does your organization deliver?
Select all that apply:

Question Title

* 8. OPTIONAL:  Please indicate which race/ethnicity you publicly self-identify as: (select all that apply)

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* 9. OPTIONAL: Please indicate the gender identity you publicly self-identify as:

Cisgender: (pronounced “sis-gender”) people whose gender identity and expression matches the gender they were assigned at birth
Transgender: people whose gender identity is different from the gender they were assigned at birth.

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* 10. OPTIONAL: Please indicate the sexual orientation you publicly self-identify as:

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* 11. OPTIONAL: Please indicate the disability status you publicly self-identify as:

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* 12. OPTIONAL: Please indicate your age using the categories below:

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* 13. Please select the geographic area(s) that best describe where your primary work takes place (choose all that apply):

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* 14. Please list your organization’s board members, including their organization affiliations.
Link to organization website listing board is also allowed

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* 15. Please provide a link to your LinkedIn Profile.
If you do not have a linked in profile, tips to create one can be found here:
How to Join LinkedIn
How to create a profile
Supplemental information provided outside of this application form (for example: a resume or personal statement) will not be accepted as a part of your application.

Question Title

* 16. Share some examples of how you have grown in your career. Of what accomplishments are you most proud?

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* 17. Thinking of work you do outside of your ‘day job’ (volunteer activities, board service, etc) past & present, what is most significant or meaningful to you? Why?

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* 18. What is currently your greatest professional challenge?

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* 19. What is your vision for your professional future? Where do you see yourself in three to five years? How will NEI help you achieve your goals?

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* 20. What current trends and emerging issues will impact your work in the next three to five years, either positively or negatively?

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* 21. How do you invest in yourself? What other professional development experiences have you participated in? How do you stay current on emerging trends, best practices or other developments in your field?

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* 22. What is a unique skill, perspective, or strength that you would bring to the group?

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* 23. Optional Just For Fun: Imagine you are accepting an award for Greatest Person Ever. What is your walk in music?