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You are agreeing to be contacted for paid studies regarding consumer products and hearing loss items.

Question Title

* 1. Murray Hill National is a leader in the market research industry. We are inviting you to join our panel.  Once you have joined we will call you for a variety of paid studies.  Our studies typically offer no less $20 per hour and up to $100 per hour for your participation.

Question Title

* 2. Which, if any, of the occupations listed below are you or anyone in your household, a close friend, or a relative employed in? (Select All That Apply)

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. What is your race?

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* 5. What is your house hold income?

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* 6. What is the highest level of education have you completed?

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* 7. Which of the following best describes your current title / role? 

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* 8. Do you personally dispense hearing aids to patients?

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* 9. How many years have you been dispensing hearing aids for your patients?

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* 10. Which of the following best describes your role when it comes to the selection of a hearing aid for patients?

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* 11. Which of the following work settings do you spend most of your professional time in? 

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* 12. Is the shop you work in owned by a hearing aid manufacturer?

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* 13. Is the shop you work in associated with, or a member of, a buying group? 

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* 14. Please indicate below which hearing aid brand you prefer (select one only), as well any others that you are aware of and have dispensed in the last 6 months.

  Preferred Aware of Dispensed
Other (please specific)

Question Title

* 15. Please indicate below how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
I am regularly on the lookout for innovative hearing aid products
I like to consider myself ‘up the curve’ in terms of new hearing aid technology
I am always curious to learn more about new products in this area
I want to build good relationships with my customers
I want to be considered as a trusted advisor to my customers
0 of 15 answered