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Complete the survey and you could win. $4000 in prizes available!

We've got a few questions for you about SAMU and what you'd like to see from your Students' Association in the future.

Please note that your answers will remain anonymous. Your name and contact info are required to be eligible for the draws, but will not be used to associate your name with your answers. Aggregate results may be shared publicly but individual comments will not be shared and any information cannot be tracked back to individual responses.

Question Title

* 1. How would you rate your overall student experience at MacEwan University? Please specify why in the comments box.

Question Title

* 2. In this current academic year, 2024-25, which of the following areas, if any, do you believe were a barrier to your success as a student? Please rank your top three in order of importance. If you believe none of these areas were a barrier, please leave the question blank.

  1. Access to affordable childcare
  2. Colonial violence or anti-Indigenous beliefs/behaviors on campus
  3. Educational Costs (e.g. tuition, books)
  4. Full-time employment opportunities for students and recent graduates
  5. Gender-Based and sexualized Violence on campus
  6. Living costs (e.g. rent, groceries)
  7. Mental health
  8. Physical health
  9. Racism or discrimination
  10. Summer and part-time employment opportunities
  11. Work-integrated learning and co-op opportunities
  12. None of the above

Question Title

* 3. How aware are you of the Students’ Association of MacEwan University (SAMU) and the services it provides students?

Question Title

* 4. Please describe how you first learned about SAMU.

Question Title

* 5. Based on your knowledge of SAMU, to what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  strongly disagree disagree neither agree or disagree agree strongly agree no opinion
SAMU offers programs, services and events that add to my student experience.
SAMU effectively advocates for my interest as a student.
SAMU provides value for the fees I pay.
SAMU makes me feel welcome and safe.
SAMU offers ample opportunities for me to get involved in student life.
I would miss SAMU if it no longer existed.

Question Title

* 6. SAMU offers a range of services, programs and events for students. Please let us know if you have participated or used EACH of the following in this current academic year (2024-2025).

  Unaware of it, and have not used/attended Aware of it, but have not used/attended Have used/attended at least once Have used/attended more than once
Breakfast Club
Meet SAMU Expo (Fall or Winter)
Ecological, Cultural and Community Education (e.g. Spring Awakening, Artworks Factory, Zen Zone)
Fall Fest (concert and beer gardens)
Financial Supports (SAMU Cares Bursary, student discounts)
Coverage & Benefits (Health, & Dental, MyWellness, MyLegalPlan)
Discounted Tickets/Event Passes (Oilers, WEM, Ski Lift Tickets)
Live Comedy Show (ie Atsuko Okatsuka, Connor Wood, etc)
Peer Support (online or in-person)
Safe Walk Services
Speaker Series (ie Josh Peck)
Student Advocacy Centre
Student Elections (nominations, Student Leadership Week, voting)
Student Groups (participate in a Student Group/club)
Student Handbook
The Pantry (food support services)
The Griff magazine (printed or website)
Winter Welcome Week (ie Winter Fest, Battle of the Bands, Magic Show)

Question Title

* 7. Please rate how likely you are to participate in, attend or use EACH of the following SAMU Programs, services and events for the upcoming academic year:

  Not likely to try it Might try it Most likely will try at least once Definitely going to take full advantage of it I don’t know what it is so I can’t answer
Breakfast Club
Meet SAMU Expo (Fall or Winter)
Ecological, Cultural and Community Education (e.g. Spring Awakening, Artworks Factory, Zen Zone)
Fall Fest (concert and beer gardens)
Financial Supports (SAMU Cares Bursary, student discounts)
Coverage & Benefits (Health, & Dental, MyWellness, MyLegalPlan)
Discounted Tickets/Event Passes (Oilers, WEM, Ski Lift Tickets)
Live Comedy Show (ie Atsuko Okatsuka, Connor Wood, etc)
Peer Support (online or in-person)
Safe Walk Services
Speaker Series (ie Josh Peck)
Student Advocacy Centre
Student Elections (nominations, Student Leadership Week, voting)
Student Groups (participate in a Student Group/club)
Student Handbook
The Pantry (food support services)
The Griff magazine (printed or website)
Winter Welcome Week (ie Winter Fest, Battle of the Bands, Magic Show)

Question Title

* 8. Please state your level of satisfaction with SAMU's Student Health & Dental.

  Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Have not used it
Student Health & Dental Plan Satisfaction
mystudentplan App Satisfaction

Question Title

* 9. What types of events would you like to see from SAMU? Please rank in order of preference. (1 = most desirable and 8 = least desirable)

  1. Outdoor Concerts/Musical Events (ie Fall Fest)
  2. Indoor Concerts/Musical Events (ie Winter Fest, Battle of the Bands, Dance Parties)
  3. Multi-day tropical trip at end of Winter term (ie Last Class Bash)
  4. Speaker Events (ie Josh Peck)
  5. Live Comedy Show events (ie Atsuko Okatsuka, Connor Wood, etc)
  6. Interactive events (Maker Series, Games Cafe, Dirty Bingo)
  7. Off campus one day activities (ie Splash & Bash at World Waterpark)

Question Title

* 10. Please rank in order of importance the below SAMU offerings to students that would best support your student experience in the upcoming academic year. (Use the drop-down numbers to rank your choices, with 1 being most important and 6 least important. Drag and drop or use the arrows to arrange your selections)

  1. Student Life (Student Groups, Events, Artworks Factory, Volunteering, The Griff)
  2. Student Leadership (Executive Committee, Students' Council, Elections, Committees, Advocacy Campaigns)
  3. Health & Wellness (Health & Dental Benefits, Breakfast Club, Peer Support, The Pantry, Zen Zone)
  4. Financial Supports (SAMU Cares, Student Discounts, Part-time Employment)
  5. Student Resources (SAMU Building, Student Advocacy Centre, U-Pass, Student Handbook)

Question Title

* 11. What areas would you like to see SAMU's advocacy and offerings focus on in the upcoming academic year? Please rank your top three in order of preference. (Drag and drop or use the arrows to arrange your selections)

  1. Access to affordable childcare
  2. Anti-racism and/or anti-discrimination initiatives
  3. Financial supports for living costs (e.g. rent, groceries)
  4. Financial supports for educational costs (e.g. tuition, books)
  5. Full-time employment opportunities for students and recent graduates
  6. Gender-based and sexualized violence prevention on campus
  7. Mental health supports
  8. Physical health supports
  9. Reconciliation and decolonization on campus
  10. Summer and part-time employment opportunities
  11. Work-integrated learning and co-op opportunities

Question Title

* 12. Please rank in order your preferred methods for receiving information from SAMU. (1 = most desirable and 9 = least desirable) Select N/A if not relevant to you.

Question Title

* 13. Are there any other social media platforms that you use regularly which aren't listed above? (list all that apply)

Question Title

* 14. How often do you hang out in the SAMU Building for 30 minutes or longer at a time?

Question Title

* 15. What do you do while in the SAMU Building (check all that apply)?

Question Title

* 16. Do you have any other comments or suggestions for content topics, programs, services, types of events or prizing you would like to see that aren’t currently being covered through SAMU? (Please leave blank if no comments)

Question Title

* 17. What year are you in?

Question Title

* 18. Which Faculty/School are you enrolled in?

Question Title

* 19. Are you a part-time or full-time student?

Question Title

* 20. Please indicate below if you are interested in participating in a future focus group with SAMU. Participants will receive incentives in exchange for their time. If you are interested, please provide your contact information in the next question.

Question Title

* 21. The following information is required to be entered into the draws. You must use your email address to be eligible. By entering your contact information, you agree to the contest rules and regulations.

0 of 21 answered